Debug your Testcontainers-powered dependencies
The app lets you proxy any service to a fixed port to easily inspect it with your favorite debugging tools. For example, inspect a datastore with your IDE plugin, or manage a Kubernetes cluster with k9s. You can even freeze a service to prevent its shutdown so you can debug it.

Track and analyze your test sessions
Need to spot-check that you’re running the correct container images, or how your tests are parallelized? The app automatically tracks your test sessions, powering dashboards that provide you and your team with insights into your development and testing patterns.

Switch container runtimes and burst to the cloud
Want to give Podman or Rancher a try? Simply switch your local runtime for all your Testcontainers-powered dependencies. And with Testcontainers Cloud, you can even run them in the cloud on demand, while saving your local resources.
Ready to get started?
This guide will walk you through the features of Testcontainers Desktop.