James Ward
James Ward is a professional software developer since 1997, with much of that time spent helping developers build software that doesn’t suck. A Typed Pure Functional Programming zealot who often compromises on his ideals to just get stuff done.
What were your first experiences with Testcontainers?
I started using Testcontainers in 2020 and now use it everywhere I can.
What’s your favourite Testcontainers module?
What are your favourite features for Testcontainers?
Using them in my dev cycle so that I just run & iterate on my app code without having to manually start or manage service dependencies.
What’s the most memorable bug you managed to reproduce with a test using Testcontainers?
I have some projects where I have a client that needs a server (in the same project) which has service dependencies. For dev & test of the client, I build the server as a container, then start it and its dependencies via Testcontainers. Such a nice DX!